Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stages of baldness.

Vaibhav Shah
Vaibhav Shah

Vaibhav Shah
 Vaibhav Shah 

Vaibhav Shah
 Vaibhav Shah 

-Norwood Classification: Stages of  baldness.

               The Norwood Classification is a system that professionals use to characterize male pattern baldness. Depending on the location and the severity, pattern baldness is classified according to 1 of 7 stages. This helps hair surgeons understand both the extent of the current condition as well as the pattern in which balding is most likely to follow. These two variables play a critical role in determining which hair loss treatment options are capable of restoring areas of the scalp that are thin or completely bald.

               The Norwood Classification also provides a framework for understanding how the patient’s baldness may progress. This becomes a very important variable when the patient chooses a hair transplant procedure. Understanding how baldness may progress enables the surgeon to deliver a beautifully natural-looking end result by strategically restoring areas that are thin, balding, or susceptible to future hair loss.

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