Monday, April 27, 2015

QUIZ : How much Baldness you have?

Vaibhav Shah
Vaibhav Shah

Know your Grade Of Hair Loss
Female Grades Hair loss

                                                           Male Grages Hair loss
Type I
Hair fall does not require any treatment except for some medicines to strengten the hair roots and keep dandruff away.
Type I I
Hair fall does not require any treatment except for some medicines to strengten the hair roots and keep dandruff away.

Type III
Type III Vertex
Borderline case for hair transplant. Only thinning will respond very well to Cyclical Hair Treatment and Diet modifications. However if you have a receding frontal hairline, it does not respond to medicines and will require a hair transplant.
Type IV

Type IV Vertex
Requires medicines plus hair transplant. Approximately 1000-1500 grafts.

Type V

Type V Vertex
Requires medicines plus hair transplant. Approximately 2000-3000 grafts. May reqire one or two sittings.

 Type VI
Requires medicines plus hair transplant. Approximately 2000-4000 grafts. Requires two sittings.

Type VII
Requires medicines plus hair transplant. Approximately 2000-5000 grafts. Requires two or three sittings.

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