Thursday, August 25, 2022

Face lift Surgery. Cervicofacial Rhytidectomy Surgery. start to finish f...

Start to finish, Facelift surgery performed at Dr Vaibhav Shah Clinic Mumbai, India. Here you will see quill suturing technique. Patient was taken under general anesthesia with oral intubation. Facial rejuvination procedure included face and neck lift with deep SMAS-ectomy. Facelift and neck lift rejuvenates lower and middle face. Reestablishes lower jaw countour.

Dr. Vaibhav Shah provided the surgical content for facelift surgery. Dr. Vaibhav Shah is a Mumbai based Maxillo-facial surgeon, he is an expert on the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery and does not perform any body plastic surgery. This surgery video shows the common surgical procedure steps for a facelift and neck lift. A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a younger appearance in your face. The procedure can reduce the sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline and other changes in the shape of your face that occur with age. A neck lift enhances the appearance of the neck by tightening the skin and underlying neck muscles and improving the contour of the jawline. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with liposuction, a facelift, or a cheek lift but may also be done as a stand-alone procedure.

We have a handsome 52-year-old man who is here for facial rejuvenation. He is got a little bit of laxity in her neck, especially if he puts his chin down a little bit. We're also going to tighten these fine lines around here and reduce these fine lines here. This gorgeous beauty in his early fifties is two months post-op from upper eyelid surgery, face and neck lift, and fractional carbon dioxide laser over the face, neck, and chest. I knew this was going to be a good one, but it turned out even better than I had hoped. This is a Traceless Facelift, and you can't even see her incisions at this point at two months out. I can't see those incisions either, not a trace. And you see all the fine lines and wrinkles are dramatically improved from the laser. We're actually going to do another laser treatment on her in another couple of months, I think.

Friday, July 29, 2022

JAW and Chin Contour | 3D Precision in Jaw and Chin Surgery (Facial Femi...

JAW and Chin Contour | 3D Precision in Jaw and Chin Surgery (Facial Feminization Surgery)




Jaw Feminization is the process of reshaping the jaw to be more feminine. In this actual surgery  video, we explain this avant-garde approach to jaw and chin surgery developed by DR VAIBHAV SHAH who is known Facial Feminization Surgeon from India. Our JAW and Chin Contour method delivers the most reliable results, based on years of expertise and the development of groundbreaking techniques. With soo may jaw and chin procedures performed since 2011, JAWContour® is the state of the art in jaw and chin feminization surgery.

The benefits: * Innovations in ultrasonic instrumentology created in conjunction with Italian-based medical technology company, Mectron®, make for more precise, predictable and safer outcomes. * Specially developed 3D applications provide greater exactitude in surgical planning and efficiency in the operation. With Jaw and chin contouring Dr Vaibhav Shah introduces cutting-edge protocols in FFS jaw gender confirming surgery.

To check out the before after results of facial feminization surgery by dr vaibhav shah click the link below-


There are many non surgical procedures which is commonly done by Dr Vaibhav shah in Facail feminization , you can have a look -


Also one can checkout the details of FFS or Facial feminization surgery on –

Almond Eye Surgery/ FFS surgery/ Canthopexy in India/ Facial Feminization/Fox eye surgery trend-


DR Vaibhav shah is located at Mumbai, India




Tuesday, June 28, 2022

White patch on eyelid! Xanthelasma treatment ! Cholesterol deposition on...

White patch on eyelid! Xanthelasma treatment ! Cholestrol deposition on Eyelids!


Answers You will Find in this Video

 - Fat Deposit Near Eye,

- Cholesterol Deposits On Eyelids

- Cholesterol Deposit Removal,

 - Cholesterol Deposits Around Eyes

- Cholesterol Deposits Under Eyes.


What causes xanthelasma?

Some think xanthelasma is linked to having high cholesterol levels (fat in blood) passed down from parents. This is because up to half of those with xanthelasma have high cholesterol. But the other half have normal cholesterol. So, some think other causes such as inflamation lead to xanthelasma.

Who is at risk for xanthelasma?

Anyone can get xanthelasma. But you are more likely to get it if you:

  • smoke
  • are overweight
  • have high levels of fat—such as cholesterol—in your blood
  • have High BP or Diabetes

Xanthelasma is also more common in women and those of Asian or Mediterranean descent.

How is xanthelasma diagnosed?

A doctor can tell if you have xanthelasma by looking at the skin around your eyes. They may order a test to check the levels of lipids in your blood. This can show if there is a potential health issue causing your xanthelasma.

How is xanthelasma treated?

Xanthelasma do not go away on their own. They tend to stay the same size or grow larger. While they are generally harmless, you may want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. Xanthelasma is treated by removing the deposit with:

  • extreme cold or freezing surgery (called cryotherapy)
  • laser surgery
  • traditional surgery to remove and repair the skin
  • extreme heat surgery (electric needle)
  • chemical peels

Most treatments are successful in removing xanthelasma. But there are potential side effects like:

  • scarring
  • change in skin color

Also, xanthelasma can return after surgery.

What can I do to prevent xanthelasma?

Take steps to manage your cholesterol with diet, exercise, and in some cases, cholesterol-lowering medication. This can help prevent xanthelasma from coming back—and improve your overall health. Here are some ways to lower your cholesterol:

  • Avoid saturated fats (like butter, fried food and fatty meats) in your diet.
  • Exercise every day if you can. Even a brisk walk for 30 minutes is helpful.
  • Avoid smoking or quit if you can.
  • Drink less alcohol.

Xanthelasma can be a sign of early heart disease

Xanthelasma may signal that cholesterol is building up in your blood vessels. This blocks blood flow and can lead to a stroke or a heart attack. To lower your risk of heart problems, see your doctor for regular checkups. They can work with you to keep you heart healthy.


For more setails on eyelid surgery in mumbai -


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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Cost of Rhinoplasty in Mumbai! Price of Nose Job in Mumbai!

Cost of Nose job in Mumbai!

Cost of Rhinoplasty in Mumbai!


Rhinoplasy or Nose job is majorly divided into Functional and Cometi rhinoplast. In this video will be stictly talking about Cost of Rhinoplasty in mumbai for cosmetic correction.

Most of the time following are the major concerns in comsetic rhinoplasty.

1.Wide Nose.

2. Wide alar base

3. Less projected tip.

4. Concave dorsum.


Cost of Nose job in Mumbai!

Cost of Rhinoplasty in Mumbai!


Rhinoplasty or Nose job is majorly divided into Functional and Cosmetic rhinoplasty. In this video will be strictly talking about Cost of Rhinoplasty in Mumbai for cosmetic correction.

Most of the time following are the major concerns in cosmetic rhinoplasty.

1.Wide Nose.

2. Wide Alar base

3. Less projected tip.

4. Concave dorsum.


Such complaints can be corrected by doing following procedures.

1. Alar base reduction.

2. Tip plasty

3. Dorsum hump correction.

4. Nasal bone osteotomy.


Each and every patients need tailor made procedures. There is no fix treatment plan.

Than also, If Nasal septum itself is being used for correction and no outside implants or cartilage is being harvested than cost of RHINOPLASTY IN MUMBAI IS 30,000 INR.

When Silicone nasal implants are used than silicone implants cost is added to actual surgical cost of rhinoplasty. With silicone implant COST OD RHINOPLASTY IN MUMBAI IS 55000 INR.

Silicone Implants has many drawback as it is foreign material , so many time cartilage from rib or ear is being harvested to give proper shape to nose. When Rib cartilage or ear cartilage is being used for cosmetic rhinoplasty than COST OF RHINOPLASTY IS 90000 INR.

Above mentioned cost does not include cost of medicine and Hospital charges.















मुंबई में राइनोप्लास्टी की लागत!


राइनोप्लासी या नोज जॉब को मुख्य रूप से फंक्शनल और कॉमेटी राइनोप्लास्ट में बांटा गया है। इस वीडियो में कॉस्मेटिक सुधार के लिए मुंबई में राइनोप्लास्टी की लागत के बारे में सख्ती से बात की जाएगी।

निम्नलिखित में से अधिकांश समय कॉम्सेटिक राइनोप्लास्टी में प्रमुख चिंताएँ हैं।

1. चौड़ी नाक।

2. वाइड अलार बेस

3. कम अनुमानित टिप।

4. अवतल पृष्ठीय।


मुंबई में नाक की नौकरी की लागत!

मुंबई में राइनोप्लास्टी की लागत!


राइनोप्लास्टी या नोज जॉब को मुख्य रूप से फंक्शनल और कॉस्मेटिक राइनोप्लास्टी में बांटा गया है। इस वीडियो में कॉस्मेटिक सुधार के लिए मुंबई में राइनोप्लास्टी की लागत के बारे में सख्ती से बात की जाएगी।

कॉस्मेटिक राइनोप्लास्टी में अधिकांश समय निम्नलिखित प्रमुख चिंताएं हैं।

1. चौड़ी नाक।

2. वाइड अलार बेस

3. कम अनुमानित टिप।

4. अवतल पृष्ठीय।


ऐसी शिकायतों को निम्नलिखित प्रक्रियाएं करके ठीक किया जा सकता है।

1. अलार आधार में कमी।

2. टिप प्लास्टी

3. डोरसम कूबड़ सुधार।

4. नाक की हड्डी का अस्थि-पंजर।


प्रत्येक रोगी को दर्जी प्रक्रियाओं की आवश्यकता होती है। कोई फिक्स उपचार योजना नहीं है।

इसके अलावा, यदि नाक सेप्टम का उपयोग सुधार के लिए किया जा रहा है और कोई बाहरी प्रत्यारोपण या उपास्थि काटा नहीं जा रहा है, तो मुंबई में राइनोप्लास्टी की लागत 30,000 रुपये है।

जब सिलिकॉन प्रत्यारोपण की तुलना में सिलिकॉन नाक प्रत्यारोपण का उपयोग किया जाता है तो लागत को राइनोप्लास्टी की वास्तविक शल्य चिकित्सा लागत में जोड़ा जाता है। मुंबई में सिलिकॉन इम्प्लांट की लागत आयुध डिपो राइनोप्लास्टी 55000 रुपये है।

सिलिकॉन इम्प्लांट्स में कई खामियां हैं क्योंकि यह विदेशी सामग्री है, इसलिए कई बार नाक को उचित आकार देने के लिए पसली या कान से उपास्थि काटा जा रहा है। जब रिब कार्टिलेज या ईयर कार्टिलेज का उपयोग कॉस्मेटिक राइनोप्लास्टी के लिए किया जा रहा है, तो राइनोप्लास्टी की लागत 90000 रुपये है।

ऊपर उल्लिखित लागत में दवा की लागत और अस्पताल के शुल्क शामिल नहीं हैं