Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Attractive Face
Vaibhav Shah
Vaibhav Shah


                           Every day we meet and speak to new people. What determines our perception, whether the face of a new man or a woman you have just come across is attractive or not? Probably it would be difficult to find two non-relative persons with exact faces on earth, but it is considerably easier to find people, who have similar eyes, cheeks, nose, lips, or chin. Why does one face created from the same “details” look more attractive than the other? Is facial attractiveness determined by the beauty of several separate facial parts? Or probably we can say that it is determined by the harmony rather than beauty of individual facial parts?

                             Scientists have been on the way in seeking an answer to this question for years trying to find which part of the face is playing the greatest role in the attractiveness of the face, and surgeons – trying to “attack” those parts, thus hoping to make the face more attractive by changing particular features. Do we look at the eyes, at the smile, the symmetry of the face or at the combination of several features like nose, cheeks, eyebrows or eyes when assessing facial attractiveness?

                              It is stated that the distance between eyes, facial width and height, mouth size, cheek position, eye colour and shape, make a fair influence for the attractiveness of the face. Features of mature face, such as protruding cheeks, rectangular jaw and large chin are associated with the attractiveness of the masculine face. In contrary, feminine face is considered to be more attractive if it is enriched with infantile features: long distance between eyes, small chin, and wide smile. Furthermore, a face is considered even more attractive if all parts are symmetric and all regions are of average size. For the face of an ideal shape, hairstyle has no great influence, but once well fitted it can make a non-ideal face look more attractive.

                             A great influence on the attractiveness of the face is exerted by the crowding of teeth or spaces between them. Anterior teeth, once correctly aligned, may influence facial attractiveness more than interrelation between jaws. However, lip projection, which largely depends on the relationship of jaws, makes the greatest influence on the attractiveness of the face.

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