what is hair transplant surgery.?
will basically one anybody lose the hair specifically from the frontal area as far as from the Crown area was started predicting more age than what he looks or what his ages in that time hair from the occipital area is taken out and as the name suggests it's being transplanted or implanted to the area where you have less hair that particular procedure is called as a hair transplant surgery.
Who are the most ideal candidate for the hair transplant surgery?
one who is looking older than what his ages considered to be the ideal candidate also the hair transplant surgery is more effective in a male pattern hair loss then female pattern hair loss it is also very important that one is a disease free like that should not be a thyroid problem there should not be your hormonal disorders also diabetes hypertension are few contraindication.
why it is advisable to do hair transplant surgery at early age?
well in early age due to the dihydrotestosterone which is one of the normal secretion of the body is comparatively in higher amount which causes the hair loss in anterior hairline in a Crown area eventually this area measures of and gives you the looks of old people will always say that there is no one who is a bald or having a no hair on a sides are a back because this area is not affected by the dihydrotestosterone hormone when you go for a hair transplant surgery if you are in early age it is always more beneficiary at the same time at early age you have the highest requirement to show or to predict your right age then at your elder age.
Who are not the ideal candidate for hair transplant surgery?
hair loss is something which is a very common problem there are multiple reasons because of which have lost can occur one of the most common reason is imbalance in a thyroid hormone also nutritional deficiency dandruff on scalp then there is a few medicine which causes the head loss physiological conditions like the pregnancy also causes the head loss in all this situation hair transplant is not indicated so any female loses the hair after a pregnancy or anybody due to the thyroid imbalance loses the hell or anyone who has encountered the any sort of any viral infection and start losing the hair they all are not the ideal candidate for the hair transplant surgery also all females specifically at the elderly age they lose some amount of hair those are also not a very ideal candidate for the hair transplant surgery. the most ideal candidate for the hair transplant surgery or male pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia or dihydrotestosterone motivated hair loss basically the mail wala disease free at early age loses the hair those are the people are the ideal candidate.
what is the reason hair transplant is so well known?
hair transplant is basically cutaneous surgery or I would like to say it is the surgery in which the surgeon goes only 324 M inside the skin it is less penetrating then taking any intramuscular injection nowadays all hair graft is taken out with the help of a micro 50 doors hair graft is being implanted either with the implanter or with the needles so because of this procedure is not having a major morbidity are there is a no great pain no great illness or no great difficulties to the patient the surgery becomes very well also Google YouTube are all digital marketing media is equally responsible to make the procedure famous at the same time realistic expectation is very important one cannot get girl hair whatever has lost it before that is practically not possible.
what are the charges of hair transplant surgery?
charges in a hair transplant surgery is always been are very much not transparent there are people who are charging on a grafts is basically a pillow sebaceous unit which contains the follicles some amount of a connective tissue some amount of a arrector Pili muscle and skin one graft can contain 223 Harish out there are few people who are charging on those craft there are few people for charging on the follicle it means On The Hair follicle in any of these two method one cannot counter check whatever is claim by a doctor or a surgeon or a clinic patient have to accept it without any argument so 2 charge on the number of a graph or a number of a follicle or number of my hair is highly miss guiding one can charge according to the baldness or amount of a Time required for the surgery also no more known for experienced doctors bound to charge higher they are not charging you because they want more money or charging you because of their experience and skills.
what should be the ideal expectation after the hair transplant surgery?
there are patient who comes to the clinic with the pictures probability 10 years back seven years back and they want to achieve the same look which is practically not possible with the hell transplant surgery undoubtedly one get good amount of hair on scalp so he does
not look old are he predict his right age but to have same amount of a hair what he was having a 10 15 years back or a 5 years back is highly impossible thing to achieve ideally we have more than 100 or 150 her shaft in a one square CM of a scalp when any hair transplant surgeon for the surgery it is next to impossible to put more than 60 to 70 have to shaft even if one tries to put more than 60 to 70 have shaft the result is a skin necrosis because the skin or undermining tissues do not get enough amount of a blood so if the expectation is to restore 100% of the hair whatever is lost is too high-risk expectation and it is not possible to achieve.
why one should refuse free consultation?
well whenever there is a more lucrative offer it's always like someone is showing you carrot so you get into the prison practically whenever any doctor gets a qualification he spends minimum minimum 8 to 9 years of his life just for the studies after that in today's time by considering the cost of the space equipment and everything it involves a lot of money to start any hair transplant Centre no doctor is practically willing to give free services just on the name of humanity for any cosmetic surgery or a procedure undoubtedly maximum Charity or maximum help to the mankind is done by a doctor at all cost no cost or reasonable cost but for the procedure which is mandatory for the life saving and not the cosmetic procedure so whenever you need any clinic or any Centre who are into a hair transplant surgery and they offer you free consultation or free platelet rich plasma therapy or free medicine that is all basically to get a money out of you know the good marketer the people whom you made do not the qualified doctors that person so you have to take a call whether you want to meet the operating surgeon or you want to be a sales person at the same time anybody for the consultation or not forget the person who I am sure your doubts will be clear .
how many patients they actually are beneficiary are happy with the hair transplant surgery?
whenever there is a right selection of a patient as well as there is a right selection of a doctor from the patient side the result is always good patients to get a hair but as I mentioned above it is not some illness you are treating it is 12 match with the Desire of an individual which is always difficult to do that but by and large whenever there is a right selection of a doctor and a patient the result and outcome is very happy