Monday, June 29, 2015

Smoking & Hair Loss.
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

Smoking & Hair Loss.
     You are aware of the risks of smoking such as cancer, heart disease, chest complaints and strokes but it has now been shown to have an adverse affect on your hair. This may sound rather strange but smoking can affect the condition of your hair which may lead to Hair Loss. Research has found a link between cigarette smoking and Hair Loss which is worrying, especially if you are a man with a family history of baldness.
       One trigger for hair loss in men is that of hereditary: if the male members of your family went bald in their youth then there is a good chance that you will do the same. There are other causes of hair loss but male pattern baldness is especially common. If you are male and smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day then you are at greater risk of going bald. You may not be unduly bothered by this but many men are.

So how does smoking cause hair loss?
      Your hair grows from follicles – sac like structures underneath your scalp which require oxygen, vitamins/minerals and essential nutrients to function properly and trigger hair growth. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemicals, many of them toxic, which affect all areas of the body including the hair. This smoke negatively affects your circulation in general which means impaired blood flow to your hair follicles. This disrupts the normal hair growth/loss cycle which occurs on a daily basis and results in hair thinning and eventual loss. This evidence suggests that smoking directly impacts upon this blood supply. Other suggestions include the fact that smoking affects the immune system which opens the body up to all sorts of diseases and illnesses. And certain diseases damage the hair or cause hair loss.

        Another factor is ageing: hair loss is a sign of the ageing process and this can be accelerated by smoking. Smoking causes other signs of premature ageing such as increased lines and wrinkles and a pale, drawn appearance so why not add baldness to this list. Male pattern baldness is usually permanent but other types of hair loss are not and can be reversed. If the cause of the hair loss is treated then new hair will grow.

         But ,the best way of preventing hair loss is to stop smoking. If you are trying to give up or are looking to take that first step then visit our Stopping Smoking section. This is full of useful information to help you do so.
Dr. Vaibhav Shah


Minoxidil & Hair Growth.
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

Minoxidil  & Hair Growth.
         How does it work?
      Minoxidil solution dilates small blood vessels. When applied to the affected areas of the scalp twice daily it has been shown to stimulate Hair Regrowth probably by enhancing cell proliferation. It is possible it also has an effect on the immune cells in the hair follicle. Increased hair growth is seen after approximately 4 months of treatment. Generally hair growth is thinner and finer than the original hair.

         What are the side effects of minoxidil solution/
     Local irritation may occur, most often resulting in irching or stinging. Contact allergy to minoxidil or propylene glycol (the main component of the solution) occurs rarely, and results in dermatitis. Unwanted hair growth might occur ( hypertrichosis), for example if the solution is dripped onto the forehead. Internal effects are not likely as there is minimal absorption into the system. However, hair growth in distant sites such as the arms, chest and lower back has occasionally been reported when the 5% solution has been used.
          Minoxidil is best avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding (Pregnancy Category C, i.e., Drugs that, owing to their pharmacological effects, have caused or maybe suspected of causing harmful effects on the human fetus or neonate without causing malformations. These effects may be reversible.)
Dr. Vaibhav Shah

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

10 Signs You May Have an Autoimmune Disease.
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

10 Signs You May Have an Autoimmune Disease

     If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, especially a combination of several of them, you may have an autoimmune disease.

    1).Joint pain, muscle pain or weakness or a tremor
    2).Weight loss, insomnia, heat intolerance or rapid heartbeat
     3).Recurrent rashes or hives, sun-sensitivity, a butterfly-shaped rash across your nose and cheeks.
     4).Difficulty concentrating or focusing
     5).Feeling tired or fatigued, weight gain or cold intolerance
      6).Hair loss or white patches on your skin or inside your mouth
      7).Abdominal pain, blood or mucus in your stool, diarrhea or mouth ulcers
      8).Dry eyes, mouth or skin
      9).Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
     10).Multiple miscarriages or blood clots
 Dr. Vaibhav Shah.

Belotero, the Newest Injectable Filler
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

                                 Belotero, the Newest Injectable Filler
                Belotero is the newest FDA injectable filler available in the USA.  It has been used for years in Europe with excellent patient satisfaction and safety margin.  This filler is unique in several ways.  Most notably, it is made with a dual cross linking process that gives it some of its unique properties.  The biggest advantage with Belotero is that it can be injected very superficially for fine lines and wrinkles.  This is important as many other fillers are too thick (honey like) to be injected in the very superficial dermis and when this is done, it can leave a thickened line.  Belotero, on the other hand is engineered specifically for superficial injection.  I must say that when I began using it for fine lines and wrinkles it was hard to believe how superficial it could be injected.  Having said that, it can also be used like conventional fillers for deep wrinkles and lips.  I think the biggest innovation is that the company states that due to the Belotero’s particle properties, it does not cause a Tyndall effect when injecting in the tear trough region.  The Tyndall effect (in this case) is when a clear product is injected under the skin and produces a bluish hue due to the way the light is reflected.  Although harmless, it produces dusky skin that can make a patient look older, as in dark circles.  To avoid this, most fillers are injected deep on the bone in the tear trough region.  Belotero, however, due to its unique composition, can be injected much more superficially which gives the doctor more control of improving wrinkles and rejuvenating this region.  I have been using Belotero and so far have found it to live up to the claims of the company.  I will keep my blog updated on this topic. – Dr.Vaibhav Shah.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Finasteride, Finasteride 5 mg, Finasteride 1 mg, Propecia, Proscar, Proscar 5 mg.
Vaibhav Shah

Finasteride, Finasteride 5 mg, Finasteride 1 mg, Propecia, Proscar, Proscar 5 mg
Finasteride Propecia Proscar
Finasteride is an oral drug developed by pharmaceutical company "Merck, Sharp and Dohme".
Initially it was known as Proscar (5 mg of Finasteride in pills). Proscar still exists and it is indicated for the treatment of hyperplasia prostatic.
We have observed that bald patients, who use Proscar, lose less hair. Nonetheless, there are several side-effects when using Proscar.
That is why Merck developed a new conditioning (1mg per pill) which is called Propecia.

2.How does this medicine work?
Propecia reduces the transformation of testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is responsible for the miniaturization and disappearance of hair.
After a couple of days, there is a 70% reduction of the DHT rate.
Next to this, the testosterone rate increases slightly by 10%, while respecting the limit of what is considered to be “normal”.

Finasteride Propecia Proscar
Two months after the start of treatment, the results show a stabilization of the hair loss or even re-growth in 80% of patients. The remaining 20% had no results.
If we look at the numbers in detail, we see that re-growth, when it happens, is particularly important in the vertex area.
Vertex: big improvement: 5% - improvement: 30%
Frontal area : big improvement: 0% - improvement: 5%
It seems that the new hair’s volume, color and length are equal to that of healthy hair.
Patients often do not realize that merely achieving a hair loss stabilization is already a success.
If patients have taken Finasteride for 6 months or more and decide to stop the treatment, they will often experiment a considerable hair loss. Unfortunately that is the downside of this treatment. The patient will find himself in a situation that he wouldn’t have been in if he hadn’t taken Finasteride in the first place. Unfortunately restarting treatment only results in new hair loss stabilization.

The drug essentially targets young men who still have a great reserve of hair.
It is very effective in the vertex area; it has become the ideal ally of a hair transplant. At present, we can use a hair transplant for the front area of the head and treat the back area with Finasteride.

5.Side-effects of Finasteride
Pain in the chest which is sometimes accompanied by swelling (gynaecomastia) Reduction of the sperm volume and/or consistence (1.2%) Changes in sperm consistence. Less frequently, erection troubles (1.3%) or loss of libido (1.8%) When they appear, side effects are premature. At this time, the treatment has not produced any negative side-effects and thus, stopping treatment will not cause hair loss.

6.Benefits of Finasteride
For those people who do not like to apply Minoxidil, Finasteride represents the best solution. It is more effective than Minoxidil taken separately. Nevertheless, the combined use of Minoxidil and Propecia seems to be very effective. There is a kind of synergy between those two products: the global effect is superior to the addition of the effects of both medicines taken separately.

7.Disadvantages of Finasteride
It is a long treatment that can not be broken off. The cost is very high. There are side effects.

8.Practical recommendations
Finasteride is only intended for men. Besides, it can be dangerous for the male foetus of a pregnant woman to be in contact with the substance. That is why men who take Propecia should use a condom. It is important to notice that Propecia is ineffective in women. In the case of side effects, it is always possible to reduce the dose by half. It is often useful to go on taking the medicine for a couple of months because, when we compare the effects to the effects of a placebo, there is no difference between both treatments after 6 months.

9.Where to buy Finasteride, Propecia, Proscar?

By medical prescription, Propecia or Proscar form. Online, but please take into account that there is no guarantee regarding the product’s quality. In fact, they are often copies from Asia or India,  from Eastern European countries. – Dr Vaibhav Shah.

Hemifacial Microsomia.
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

Hemifacial Microsomia
         Hemifacial Microsomia is a birth deformity affecting the bony skeleton and soft tissues of the craniofacial region. It is typically characterized by pronounced asymmetry of the face due to deficient growth of the lower jaw (mandible) on one side, deficient soft tissues of the face and underdeveloped ear (microtia).
       Bony and soft tissue structures on one side of the face grow lesser than the other side. The affected side of the face appears disproportionately smaller than the other. Commonly affected are the lower jaw, eye, ear, facial nerve and cheek. The most significant of these deformities is that of the jaws, which when corrected, minimizes the entire deformity and makes the face look more symmetric.
        In hemifacial microsomia, the shape and size of the lower jaw is deformed on one side causing an asymmetric face. The chin appears deviated to the affected side. Facial asymmetry progresses as the patient grows. As a result, teeth bite (occlusion) is slanted.

Based on various parameters like severity of the defect and age of the patient, there are different treatment options. Cheek and eye socket bone defects if present, can be corrected with specialized craniofacial surgeries. Ear and soft tissue defects can be rehabilitated with reconstructive surgeries.

       Distraction Osteogenesis
The goal of treatment in hemifacial microsomia is to elongate the deficient jaw bone to restore facial symmetry and correct the slanting bite (occlusion). To achieve this, an advanced and effective treatment technique is distraction osteogenesis. This is a new technique for regenerating new bone by slow, progressive stretching of the bone, without requiring a bone graft.                              The jaw bone on the deficient side is cut. A sophisticated device called distractor is placed such that the two arms of the device are fixed to the two segments of jaw bone. After a few days, a screw attached to the distractor is turned gradually, ideally at a rate of 1 mm per day. When this is done, the two cut segments move apart and new bone is formed in the resultant gap. After the new bone is stabilized, the distractor device is removed.
        Subsequently, the jaw bone is lengthened to the desired amount correcting the asymmetry of the face. This is a powerful tissue engineering technique for generating unlimited bone.

       Eminent  Facio-Maxillary Surgeon Dr.Vaibhav Shah  is highly acclaimed for his prowess in the treatment of Hemifacial Microsomia. He is a pioneering expert in this field and has applied several revolutionary techniques including “Simultaneous Maxillary and Mandibular Distraction” giving excellent results to set right facial asymmetry - Dr.Vaibhav Shah.

Friday, June 19, 2015

How Is Orthognathic Surgery Performed?
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

                              How Is Orthognathic Surgery Performed?
              Preparation for orthognathic surgery nearly always involves a preliminary period of between nine and fourteen months of orthodontic treatment (braces), and it should be emphasized that the orthodontist is an integral component to the success of treatment. Orthodontic appliances are not removed prior to surgery and, in fact, serve as an aid to the surgeon during the surgical procedure. Moreover, there is usually a post-surgical period of orthodontics that can vary from one patient to the next. Today, orthognathic surgery is a procedure commonly performed as a hospital based operation. The patient is often admitted on the day of surgery by his doctor and more often than not can expect to be discharged on the first post-operative day. Through the miracles offered by modern technology, the procedures most frequently utilized today are accomplished by operating completely within the mouth. At one time it was commonplace to have one’s teeth wired shut for nearly seven weeks. If you were to speak with the patient of the 70′s and 80′s they would site having their teeth wired shut as the greatest discomfort to the surgery that they were asked to undergo. Today, having your teeth wired shut is hardly ever necessary and the patient can most often resume jaw movement such as speaking, yawning and coughing almost immediately. The only limitations of jaw function still asked of nearly all patients, is to soften their diet for a period long enough following the surgery that it will allow for a stress free period of bony healing (usually four to six weeks of a mashed potato or scrambled egg consistency diet).

            It is often said by patients who are preparing for future orthognathic surgery that they are going to “have their jaw broken.” As doctors, we do not like to use the term “breaking the jaw,” because it conjures up a misconception in the eyes of the patient of a brutal and savage surgery that is haphazard and lacks control. We might more appropriately describe the procedure as a “realignment of your jaw.” This terminology more accurately expresses the methodology and precise nature of the proposed treatment. The “orthognathic treatment” begins literally on the drawing board. All surgeries are meticulously planned through the use of skeletal analyses, sketches, mock up surgeries on plaster models and even computer imaging. From this pre-operative work-up, the operating doctor can fabricate precise templates that are utilized during surgery to position the jaws. By the time your doctor goes to the operating room your proposed surgery is a carefully thought out and pre-planned event requiring only his routine surgical skills to complete the task. With the use of highly technical instrumentation along with tried and true surgical techniques the jaws are then precisely repositioned and stabilized using tiny screws, plates and/or wires. These screws and plates are only temporarily necessary after which the jaw mends itself into its new position. Because of their long standing history of biocompatibility, it is hardly ever necessary to remove them at a later date.-  Dr.Vaibhav Shah

Ph of Scalp for Hair Growth.
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

        Potential of  Hydrogen, or pH, is the measurement of how acidic or alkali a substance is. It is judged on a scale between 0 and 14. Anything between 0 and 6.9 is acidic, 7 is neutral, and anything between 7.1 and 14 is alkaline. Human hair and scalp oil, sebum, has a pH balance of between 4.5 and 5.5.
Dr.Vaibhav Shah

Diabetes & Hair Loss.
Vaibhav Shah
Dr Vaibhav Shah

How Does Diabetes Affect My Hair Growth?
      Diabetes is a lifelong condition where the body is unable to produce sufficient insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. There are two types of diabetes – type 1 and type 2 – with different causes, symptoms, and treatment methods, but one symptom both types share is hair loss. Keep reading for answers to frequently asked questions about type 1 and type 2 diabetes, how the condition affects hair growth, and what can be done to fight hair loss.

What's The Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?
       Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease diagnosed primarily in those under 40 – usually teenagers – where the pancreas gland does not produce any insulin. Insulin is the hormone that controls blood glucose levels, and without it, glucose levels can become too high or too low, which causes damage to the organs, blood vessels, and nerves in the body, resulting in a coma or even death. Though type 1 can be managed with insulin injections and close attention to blood sugar levels, it cannot be cured.
      Type 2 diabetes typically occurs later in life, when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to control glucose levels, or body cells become resistant to insulin. Unlike type 1, it can be triggered by obesity, when excess tummy fat releases chemicals that disrupt the body's metabolic and cardiovascular systems. 90% of all diabetes cases are type 2, and the condition is usually managed – and sometimes reversed – with a healthy diet and tablets; insulin injections are normally unnecessary.

How Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?
       Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease: abnormal functioning of the immune system causes it to produce white blood cells to attack the body's own tissues. When white blood cells attack growing cells in the hair follicles, the follicle cells become small and hair production slows. This can cause hair from the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair to fall out, known as alopecia areata.
       There is ongoing debate about whether type 2 diabetes should be classified as an autoimmune disease. Nonetheless, enough cases of hair loss have been reported that alopecia is a symptom of type 2 diabetes, too.

Will My Hair Grow Back?
     Alopecia is an unpredictable condition, which only makes it more frustrating. While in extreme cases hair may fall out and never grow back, it is more common for those who suffer with alopecia to experience hair loss and regrowth in phases throughout their lives, because the stem cells which provide hair follicles with new cells are not affected by white blood cell attacks. In some instances, hair may fall out once and then regrow fully.

Is There a Treatment for Alopecia?
   There are medical and herbal treatment options available for hair loss, but these are aimed at stimulating the regrowth of hair rather than preventing hair loss in the first place. Research to discover a way of protecting the hair follicles from autoimmune attacks is underway, but as of yet, inconclusive.
     Diabetes is a condition that is difficult to deal with at the best of times, but hair loss is a source of stress that can make it even harder. Alopecia can seriously dent self-confidence; most people feel insecure and self-conscious as a result of hair loss, and although treatment options to stimulate regrowth are available, obviously these require patience. For those feeling uncomfortable with their appearance, cosmetic disguises, such as wigs, make-up to fill in missing eyebrows, scarves, or hats could help with regaining confidence.

--Dr.Vaibhav Shah

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Experience with Dr. Rajesh Rajput
Rajesh Rajput
Dr Vaibhav Shah  

          Dr. Rajesh Rajput have trained more then 150+ doctors from India and abroad over past 25 years. Dr. Rajesh Rajput Have performed more then 5000+ hair transplants since 1992 and have treated more then 30000+ patients with cyclical medicine.
          Dr. Rajesh Rajput is Pioneer in hair transplant who introduced Follicular Unit Micro Grafting in India.  Dr. Rajesh Rajput has liberally trained and inspired others in this field to take up Hair Transplant surgery.
        Dr. Rajesh Rajput Always accepted observers, developed new instruments, introduced the use of micro instruments and mantis microscope in India.
          Dr. Rajesh Rajput  have trained more then 150+ doctors from India and abroad over past 25 years. Dr. Rajesh Rajput Have performed more then 5000+ hair transplants since 1992 and have treated more then 30000+ patients with cyclical medicine.

           I have attended workshop in 2013 which was conducted by KEM hospital . Dr. Rajesh Rajput is really Skilful & good with knowledge . thanks to  Dr. Rajesh Rajput.